Poulet à la Basquaise 390 Grs Conserverie Aymeric

  • Composition : Poulet coupé en morceaux, Tomates, Poivrons, Oignons, Ail, Vin Blanc, Huile d'Olive, Piment d'Espelette, Sel, Poivre.
  • Poids Brut 390 Grs.
  • Contenance Pour 1 Personne.
  • Conseils Réchauffer à feu doux au bain marie ou au micro ondes. Vous pouvez l'accompagner de riz, pâtes.
  • Conservation A conserver dans un endroit sec.
  • Origine : Fabrication Artisanale à Limoux Aude.

Conserverie Joseph Aymeric

The story of La Conserverie Joseph Aymeric is a family story, the story of a whole sibling.

Joseph Aymeric is its founder. He was born in 1939 and started as a pork butcher in Lacaune in 1953-1954. He continued his apprenticeship in Narbonne. After graduating, he settled in Limoux as a butcher.

The Conserverie Joseph Aymeric continues the story by putting its canned dishes, in particular the limouxine specialty: the fricassee of Limoux. He was nicknamed the king of the frigate (name of the fricassee in Occitan). Always ready to go forward, he is invited to take part in important events such as the agricultural fair or the great fair of Paris where Jojo is happy to make taste the products of La Conserverie Joseph Aymeric of his manufacturing.

Beside its restaurant Jojo presents the products of its manufacture like cassoulet, fricassee, foie gras, terrines: a real showcase of local products.

In 1993, La Conserverie Joseph Aymeric decided to move his workshops to a craft area. In collaboration with his son, he diversifies and expands the range of cooked dishes and devotes himself to his craft as a canner.

Since the retirement of Jojo, La Conserverie Joseph Aymeric continues its history.

The recipes of La Conserverie Joseph Aymeric are always the same and are jealously guarded. Recipes are constantly created but always taking back Jojo's know-how. The craft of preserve, like any trade requires a long apprenticeship and a good mastery of manufacture. One good school: experience.

The Conserverie Joseph Aymeric develops a range of 600 references, a majority of cooked dishes and works for other preservers. Specializing in high-end canneries, the Aymeric brand is destined for delicatessen stores.

The Conserverie Joseph Aymeric is proud to perpetuate the know-how of the founder and elaborate with the greatest respect for the artisanal manufacture.

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